Satellite Laser Ranging School
Prior to the 2019 ILRS Workshop, the ILRS scheduled a one-day introductory course to give non-practitioners in SLR an opportunity to broaden their knowledge about laser ranging to Earth-orbiting satellites and the Moon. The course also provided attendees with some experience in the field an opportunity to refresh and strengthen their knowledge and increase their appreciation of this powerful measurement technique that supports geoscience and applications.
The course was scheduled for Sunday, October 20, 2019, in Stuttgart, Germany, just prior to the 2019 ILRS Technical Workshop. The program for this one-day "SLR School" is provided below.Talks were given in a tutorial format, with time for questions and discussion. Interested parties were able to attend the school with or without participating in the Workshop.
Tutorials differed in length depending on the topic, but each session left ample time for questions and discussion. Seminars were given at the level of a non-expert, recognizing that we expect people to attend who are not currently working in the field, but are curious, as well as people who are newly involved in laser ranging, but need to broaden their current level of understanding.
The full program and the presentations are available here.