Discover GGOS
Do you know what geodesy is exactly and what GGOS does? This film immerses you in the world of geodesy and outlines its benefits for society.
The GGOS Coordinating Office has been working together with the GGOS and geodetic community on the production of the 8 minutes long film “Discover GGOS” to promote GGOS as well as geodetic observations, IAG services and geodetic products. The aim of this film is to explain and outline the benefits of geodesy in a simple way to students, non-geodesists but also to the whole society. In addition to the English film version, we have also produced the film in Spanish, German and Japanese to reach as many people as possible. Portuguese, French, Italian and Greek film versions are currently in production. To reach as many people as possible in their mother tongue, versions in Chinese, Russian and Arabic are also currently planned.
Please share this film with your colleagues, family members, and other interested people to bring them closer to the huge world of geodesy.
All versions are available at the GGOS YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GGOSGlobalGeodeticObservingSystem