Susanne Glaser (2019)

The IAG Young Authors Award 2019 is presented to Dr.-Ing. Susanne Glaser for her paper: Susanne Glaser, Rolf König, Karl Hans Neumayer, Tobias Nilsson, Robert Heinkelmann, Frank Flechtner & Harald Schuh (2019): On the impact of local ties on the datum realization of global terrestrial reference frames, Journal of Geodesy, 93: 655–667.
The paper deals with the effect of random and systematic errors and selection of local ties on the datum realization of global terrestrial reference frames. It is based on a thorough simulations study covering GPS, SLR and VLBI over seven years. These investigations have widespread implications for our understanding of the errors in contemporary TRFs.
Dr. Glaser received her Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) degree in Geodesy at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany in 2014, and currently she works as a research associate at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences at Potsdam, Germany.