A. Eicker | 2024-12-08

3. Workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC)

The third workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) will take place on March 24-25, 2025 as an online event.

Abstract submission and registration is now open!

The growing data record from numerous geodetic observation techniques (GNSS station observations, satellite radio occultation and reflectometry, satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, InSAR, VLBI, GNSS controlled tide gauges, etc) provides a new quantitative view on various variables that are relevant for climate research, such as tropospheric water vapor, thermospheric neutral density, terrestrial water storage, ice sheet and glacier mass, sea level, sea surface winds, ocean waves, subsurface and surface currents, and sea ice extent and thickness. Geodetic observables are often compared with geophysical models, which helps to explain observations, and may potentially be used to evaluate and improve simulations through techniques such as data assimilation.

This workshop intends to:

1)    Highlight the potential of geodesy for climate research by showcasing and discussing climate-related studies making use of geodetic observations.

2)    Bring together geodetic and climate scientists to facilitate exchange of their experience and possibly establish a mutual cooperation.

Format of the workshop:

  • We will have 2x two hours of live meeting per day, one slot from 9-11 a.m. UTC (10-12 CET) and one slot from 3-5 p.m UTC (4-6 CET). 
  • We will schedule both oral and poster sessions.
  • Oral presentations will be ~10 minutes long.
  • Poster sessions will offer individual live discussions.
  • All presentations will be made available to participants before the meeting to facilitate asynchronous viewing.

Registration and abstract submission:

  • Abstracts can be submitted until  February 7th, 2025 via the following link (presenting author is automatically registered for the meeting): Abstract submission (including registration)
  • If you would like to participate without presenting, please register by March 17, 2025 via the following link: Registration only
  • Abstract submission and participation in the workshop are free of charge!
  • In case of questions, please contact: Organizing Committee
  • The workshop will be held via Zoom. Access details for the virtual meeting will not be published on this website but emailed to all registered participants shortly before the event. If you have not received any login details until March 23th, please contact the Organizing Committee. 

Organizing Committee:

  • Annette Eicker (HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany)
  • Carmen Blackwood (NASA JPL, USA)
  • Balaji Devaraju (Indian Institute of Geodesy Kaipur, India)
  • Henryk Dobslaw (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
  • Franck Ghomsi (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Anna Klos (Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Ayelen Pereira (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
  • Marcelo Santos (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

IAG Events