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Africa Rising: 168网澳洲5开奖结果历史记录查询 开奖结果官网直播 Shaping Our Common Future Through Geodesy

168澳洲幸运5精准一期计划 大数据分析软件app 手机版开奖客户端 In addressing global challenges like climate change, urbanization, and sustainable resource management, accurate geodetic data is crucial. We aim to elevate the global geodesy supply chain, align geodetic science with policymaking, and advance research through multidisciplinary cooperation.


GGOS Days 2024

Each year, the GGOS Executive Committee organises the GGOS Days to update the 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖网 and GGOS communities on recent achievements and current challenges faced by the various colleagues involved in achieving the goals of the GGOS Strategic Plan.


澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖网 Events

Welcome to the International 澳洲幸运5官网体彩开奖 开奖历史号码 澳洲幸运五开奖结果 168澳洲5官网开奖记录查询 Association of Geodesy

The International 澳洲幸运5官方体彩开奖网 Association of Geodesy (澳洲幸运五) is a scientific association in the field of geodesy. It promotes scientific cooperation and research in geodesy on a global scale and contributes to it through its various research bodies. It is a constituent association of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖网 has a long and distinguished history that goes back to 1862, the year, in which the "Mitteleuropäische Gradmessung" was established. This organization was formed to promote scientific work in geodesy in Central Europe, following a proposal made a year earlier by J.J. Baeyer (1861). In 1867, the name of the organization was changed to "Europäische Gradmessung", because by then countries from all of Europe had joined the organization. In 1886, the name was changed to "Internationale Erdmessung", emphasizing the need for international cooperation to solve the scientific tasks of geodesy. The French and English translations of this name resulted in the current name "The International 澳洲幸运5官方体彩开奖网 Association of Geodesy (澳洲幸运五)". Thus, the 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖网 as an international scientific organization goes back to 1886 and is one of the oldest international associations of this kind.

The Mission of the Association is the advancement of geodesy. 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖网 implements its mission by furthering geodetic theory through research and teaching, by collecting, analyzing, modelling and interpreting observational data, by stimulating technological development and by providing a consistent representation of the figure, rotation and gravity field of the Earth and planets, as well as their temporal variations.