Gy. Tóth | 2024-12-31

December 2024

General Announcement

  • IAG Scientific Assembly 2025 - First circular

Meeting Announcements

  • Announcement of 3rd IAG Commission 4 Symposium
  • 3rd  Workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC)

Meetings Calendar

IAG Sponsored Meetings

  • 3rd ICCC Workshop – Geodesy for Climate Research
  • 6th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
  • 3rd Commission 4 Symposium
  • IAG Scientific Assembly 2025

Geodesy Related Meetings

  • Geodesy Capacity Building Workshop for Europe
  • 2025 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment workshop: Advancing Models and Observational Constraints
  • IAU Symposium 401: Advancing Reference Systems, Ephemeris, and Standards

General Announcements

IAG Scientific Assembly 2025 - First circular

September 1-5 2025, Palacongressi, Rimini, Italy 

Dear colleagues,

The International Association of Geodesy (IAG) will hold its Scientific Assembly in Rimini (Italy) on September 1-5, 2025.

The IAG Scientific Assembly is a quadrennial event, held in the middle of the periods between IUGG General Assemblies. After the virtual meeting in Beijing in 2021, we are happy to have a full in-person meeting in Italy.

Under the headline “Geodesy for a changing environment” we have set up 14 symposia (including three joint symposia) covering topics of all IAG Commissions, Inter-Commission Committees, Projects and Services. The theme of the assembly draws geodesists’ attention to impacts of environmental variations/changes, increasingly severe extreme events of different nature and to developing strategies apt to capture the onset of abrupt changes in the Earth system.

With one dedicated symposium on outreach, data management, and networking with science and policy, the increasing importance of geodesy for a broad variety of societal topics will be emphasized.

In addition, we selected four Highlight Sessions covering four topics that are at the forefront of geodetic research and having a high impact on society. Presentations in these Highlight Sessions will be partly by invitation only and partly by selecting appropriate contributions from the submitted abstracts.

All details on abstract submission, registration, and all other organizational information can be found on the web site 

Important Deadlines

Registration (Early-bird) deadline: May 31, 2025

Registration (regular) deadline: July 31, 2025

Registration (late and on-site): August / September 2025

Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2025

Acceptance of abstracts:                 end of April 2025


The local organizers and the IAG have worked to keep registration fee as low as possible, and IAG individual members as well as retired individuals and students receive a discounted fee (a valid certificate needs to be provided). 

Abstract submission fee is 40 Euro per abstract. 

The IAG provides the opportunity for young scientists from developing countries to receive a travel award in order to encourage them to be a part of IAG Scientific Assembly 2025. Please, refer to the web site for the detailed rules and procedures to apply for an IAG travel award.

IAG Symposia Series

All participants of the IAG Scientific Assembly are invited to publish their research presented at the Assembly (oral and poster) in the IAG Symposia Series by Springer. This series is now fully Open-Access with the fees for Open-Access covered by IAG. Thus, the first author shall be the participant in the Assembly. The papers will be online shortly after each paper is accepted following a peer review process, so that they do not have to wait for the entire volume to be completed. The deadline for submitting manuscripts to the IAG Symposia Series is set to November 30, 2025.

We are looking forward to see you in Rimini for the IAG Scientific Assembly 2025.

Daniela Thaller, Secretary General of IAG, chair of SOC
Stefano Gandolfi and Susanna Zerbini, chairs of LOC

Meeting announcements

Announcement of 3rd IAG Commission 4 Symposium

May 13-15 2025, Wuhan, China

The 3rd International Symposium of IAG Commission 4: Positioning and Applications will take place from 13 to 15 May 2025 in Wuhan, China.

As a continued Symposium Series of IAG Commission 4, the symposium brings together scientists, researchers, and professionals working in the broad field of positioning and its applications. It aims to provide both practical and theoretical solutions across a wide range of topics, including multi-frequency and multi-constellation GNSS, GNSS augmentation, sensor fusion and integrity monitoring, geodetic atmospheric remote sensing, engineering geodesy, as well as emerging positioning techniques.

To learn more about this event, visit the 3rd IAG Commission 4 Symposium event page.


Event: 3rd IAG Commission 4 Symposium: Positioning and Applications

Dates: May 13-15, 2025

Location: Wuhan, CHINA


Past IAG Commission 4 Symposiums

  • The 1nd Commission 4 Symposium, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland
  • The 2nd Commission 4 Symposium, 2022, Potsdam, Germany

Paweł Wielgosz and Tao Jiang

3rd  Workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC)

The third workshop of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) will take place on March 24-25, 2025 as an online event.

Abstract submission and registration is now open!

The growing data record from numerous geodetic observation techniques (GNSS station observations, satellite radio occultation and reflectometry, satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, InSAR, VLBI, GNSS controlled tide gauges, etc) provides a new quantitative view on various variables that are relevant for climate research, such as tropospheric water vapor, thermospheric neutral density, terrestrial water storage, ice sheet and glacier mass, sea level, sea surface winds, ocean waves, subsurface and surface currents, and sea ice extent and thickness. Geodetic observables are often compared with geophysical models, which helps to explain observations, and may potentially be used to evaluate and improve simulations through techniques such as data assimilation.

This workshop intends to:

1) Highlight the potential of geodesy for climate research by showcasing and discussing climate-related studies making use of geodetic observations.

2) Bring together geodetic and climate scientists to facilitate exchange of their experience and possibly establish a mutual cooperation.

Format of the workshop:

  • We will have 2x two hours of live meeting per day, one slot from 9-11 a.m. UTC (10-12 CET) and one slot from 3-5 p.m UTC (4-6 CET). 
  • We will schedule both oral and poster sessions.
  • Oral presentations will be ~10 minutes long.
  • Poster sessions will offer individual live discussions.
  • All presentations will be made available to participants before the meeting to facilitate asynchronous viewing.

Registration and abstract submission:

  • Abstracts can be submitted until  February 7th, 2025 via the following link (presenting author is automatically registered for the meeting): Abstract submission (including registration)
  • If you would like to participate without presenting, please register by March 17, 2025 via the following link: Registration only
  • Abstract submission and participation in the workshop are free of charge!
  • In case of questions, please contact: Organizing Committee
  • The workshop will be held via Zoom. Access details for the virtual meeting will not be published on this website but emailed to all registered participants shortly before the event. If you have not received any login details until March 23th, please contact the Organizing Committee. 

Organizing Committee:

  • Annette Eicker (HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany)
  • Carmen Blackwood (NASA JPL, USA)
  • Balaji Devaraju (Indian Institute of Geodesy Kaipur, India)
  • Henryk Dobslaw (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
  • Franck Ghomsi (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Anna Klos (Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Ayelen Pereira (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
  • Marcelo Santos (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

Annette Eicker

Meetings Calendar

IAG Sponsored Meetings

Geodesy Related Meetings

Further details are available in the IAG Event Calendar at:

The IAG Newsletter is under the editorial responsibility of the Communication and Outreach Branch (COB) of the IAG. It is an open forum and contributors are welcome to send material (preferably in electronic form) to the IAG COB ( These contributions should complement information sent by IAG officials or by IAG symposia organizers (reports and announcements). The IAG Newsletter is published monthly. It is available in different formats from the IAG new internet site:

Each IAG Newsletter includes several of the following topics:

  1. news from the Bureau Members   
  2. general information
  3. reports of IAG symposia
  4. reports by commissions, special commissions or study groups
  5. symposia announcements
  6. book reviews
  7. fast bibliography

IAG Events