November 2021
Meeting Announcement
- X Hotine-Marussi symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
Meetings Calendar
IAG Sponsored Meetings
- 2021 SIRGAS Symposium
- IGRF Workshop 2022
- EUREF 2022 Symposium
- Spatial Data: science, research and technology 2022
- X Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
- IGS Workshop "IGS 2022: Science from Earth to Space"
- 2nd International Symposium of Commission 4: Positioning and Applications
- REFAG 2022
- Unified Analysis Workshop on Laser Ranging
- 22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging
- 20th Assembly of WEGENER
IAG Related Meetings
- COSPAR 2022
- ILRS Virtual World Tour 2021
Meeting Announcements
X. Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy
Milan, Italy, 13-17 June 2022
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is both our privilege and pleasure to invite you to the jubillee X Hotine-Marussi Symposium, which will be held at Politecnico di Milano, Italy on June 13-17, 2022, under the scientific coordination of the Intercommission Committee on Theory (ICCT) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
More details will be available at the Hotine-Marussi Symposium 2022 website.
The main goals of the Symposium are aligned with the objectives of ICCT:
- advances in theoretical geodesy,
- developments in geodetic modelling and data processing in the light of recent advances of geodetic observing systems
- interdisciplinary cooperation between geodesy and other Earth and planetary sciences
In particular, all topics related to activities of the ICCT Study Groups are of interest and related contributions are strongly encouraged.
Contributions concerning other topics related to possible interactions and mutual benefits between geodetic theory and methodology, and other initiatives and projects involving Earth and planetary sciences (for example the Group on Earth Observation) are also welcome.
The Symposium will be held at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in the Leonardo da Vinci Campus. The venue can be reached by the underground (Piola Station, Green Line).
Please, mind that June is a high-season tourist period in Milan, so that an early registration and accomodation booking is highly recommended.
Abstracts, presentations and papers
Deadline for abstract submission is February 18, 2022; both the guidelines and the reference e-mail address will be available on the Hotine-Marussi Symposium 2022 website.
Each abstract will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and its eventual acceptance will be notified by e-mail to the corresponding author by March 25, 2022.
Upon abstract submission, the corresponding author will have to indicate the preference for oral or poster presentation. However, the final decision on the form of presentation will be taken by the Scientific Committee during the abstract review.
Guidelines for the full paper submission for peer-review and related formatting instruction will be available through the Hotine-Marussi Symposium 2022 website.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer as a volume of the International Association of Geodesy Symposia series (
Registration fees
Three kinds of registration fees are distinguished:
- regular registration: 450 Euro
- young researcher (age < 32 at Symposium): 250 Euro
- one-day registration: 100 Euro
An additional 50 Euro fee will be charged to regular and young researcher registration fee in case of late registration (after April 1, 2022).
The registration fees can be paid by bank transfer or by a credit card according to the information published on the Hotine-Marussi Symposium 2022 website.
They include:
- symposium proceedings (on-line form),
- coffee breaks,
- social tour,
- social dinner.
Social programme
The scientific programme will be complemented with a social one, including a tour in Milan and a social dinner.
We look forward to welcome you in Milan!
P. Novák, M. Crespi, R. Barzaghi, N. Sneeuw, F. Sansò
Meetings Calendar
IAG Sponsored Meetings
- 2021 SIRGAS Symposium, November 29-December 1, 2021, Virtual
URL: - IGRF Workshop 2022, April 11-13, 2022 Leipzig, Germany
URL: - EUREF 2022 Symposium, May 1, 2022 [Exact Dates TBD], Zagreb, Croatia
URL: - Spatial Data: science, research and technology 2022, May 23 – 25, 2022, Moscow, Russia
URL: - X. Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, June 13 – 17, 2022, Milan, Italy
URL: - GS Workshop "IGS 2022: Science from Earth to Space", June 27-July 1, 2022, Boulder CO, USA
URL: - 2nd International Symposium of Commission 4: Positioning and Applications, September 5-9, 2022, Potsdam, Germany,
URL: - Gravity, Geoid, and Heigh Systems 2022 (GGHS2022), September 12-16, 2022, Austin TX, USA
URL: - REFAG 2022, October 17-21, 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
URL: - Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW) October 22-25, 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
URL: - 22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging, October 31 – November 4, 2022, Kunming, China
- URL:
- 20th Assembly of WEGENER, october 25-29, 2022, Marrakech, Morocco, URL:
IAG Related Meetings
- COSPAR 2022, July 16-24, 2022, Athens, Greece
- URL:
Further details are available in the IAG Event Calendar at:
ILRS Virtual World Tour 2021
Online event, 25-29 October, 2021

Once again, the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) had to postpone its 22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging in Kunming, originally scheduled for 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Following the successful first attempt last year (see the December 2020 issue of IAG Newsletter), we organized the second round of ILRS Virtual World Tour this year, while awaiting the opportunity to continue our Workshop tradition.
This year, the host stations were: Herstmonceux (United Kingdom), Wettzell (Germany), Mendeleevo (and shortly Irkutsk; both Russia), Shanghai (China) and Monument Peak (USA). All of the Microsoft Teams sessions were hosted by CDDIS/NASA. The participants could virtually visit these five stations and have technical and casual chats with the local colleagues for 1 or 2 hours. The sessions were the mixture of pre-recorded movies and live discussions, and we are amazed not only at their latest developments presented by the stations, but also at the high quality of movies, narrations and even live music. In addition, we organized special sessions before or after the station visits that offered the latest updates from each component of the ILRS, such as missions, analysis, network & engineering, lunar ranging, space debris ranging, and format & procedures. In the opening session, for example, our worldwide operations through the pandemic period were praised by Basara Miyahara, the GGOS President, and Frank Lemoine gave a nice presentation on how our precise laser ranging observations are contributing to the monitoring of global warming. All of the virtual tour and session scenes were recorded and will be uploaded to the event website hosted by CDDIS/NASA. We very much appreciate the contributions from all of the presenters, video editors and participants; they certainly made this event a great success.
We hope to see attendees face to face in Kunming next year. The dates are already set: 31 October to 4 November 2022.
Toshimichi Otsubo
Hitotsubashi University
On behalf of the organizing team (T Otsubo, C Carabajal, E Hoffmann, I Ignatenko, J Laing, M Pearlman, U Schreiber and Z Zhongping), the host institutes and the special session chairs.
The plan of the week
Tour of Wettzell. Q&A session.
The IAG Newsletter is under the editorial responsibility of the Communication and Outreach Branch (COB) of the IAG. It is an open forum and contributors are welcome to send material (preferably in electronic form) to the IAG COB ( These contributions should complement information sent by IAG officials or by IAG symposia organizers (reports and announcements). The IAG Newsletter is published monthly. It is available in different formats from the IAG new internet site:
Each IAG Newsletter includes several of the following topics:
- news from the Bureau Members
- general information
- reports of IAG symposia
- reports by commissions, special commissions or study groups
- symposia announcements
- book reviews
- fast bibliography
IAG_Newsletter_November_2021.pdf |